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The STO Board Election is Over, So what’s Next?

The STO Board Election is Over, So what’s Next?

The ballots have been counted and the new board has been chosen. Congratulations to all that participated, as that is what makes our association strong indeed. This was the most active elections we have had since the association began. Welcome all of them aboard and thank them for serving!

With the elections completed, once again, it’s time for business.


I would like to note that along with our elected Board of Directors, we also have three other members that have permanent full voting rights on the Board that do not hold any particular current title, as they are chartered Founders of Southwest Tow Operators. Those three members are Dan Messina, past President; Rick Garrison, past Vice President; and Ramiro Sanchez, past Vice President.  

Review and Communication

During the first meeting of the new board of directors, many items will be reviewed, including existing business, financials and any immediate issues or future business for the association.  It’s also important to take advantage of the momentum of the election and begin communicating with members.  Members should get to know their STO Board members as they represent the wishes and demands of the industry.   

One of the most important aspects of serving on a board is the opportunity to communicate. When an association has communication, rumors and complaints are few. Newsletters, websites, emails, faxes, tow shows, Regional and Annual Meetings, small get-togethers and other events are all ways to dramatically increase communication.

Serving on a board of directors in an association is a volunteer position, a selfless task.  They can either be treated as royalty or as an employee, but either way each person has accepted a fiduciary responsibility to protect the association, ensure wise spending, and maintain the integrity of this association and the trust placed in them by their peers.

 What it Takes

I am so very fortunate to be surrounded by so many of my brothers and sisters of the towing industry that care for our industry and have given their precious time and energy to make our industry better. The past Board of Directors of Southwest Tow Operators have been strong, and each election I have seen it only grow stronger. I believe that this new Board of Directors will push us into the next year with great enthusiasm and with the confidence that has taken years for this association to finally reach. As STO becomes a common name of recognition in the Texas Congress, TDLR, and all across Texas, we are able to make those once immoveable mountains move much easier as we forge a brighter future.

I want to remind everyone that there is a TDLR Towing, Storage and Booting Advisory Board will be meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 1:30PM at TDLR's North Campus, located at 1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, TX 78723. This is a perfect time to voice your concerns and desires at these meetings, as well as learn the daunting process that the Advisory Board must go through to make it better for our industry. I invite you to meet me there!